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An Update on Chicago Public Schools

The Prevention Partnership is celebrating 35 years of collaboration with Chicago Public Schools, providing promising and evidence-based prevention and health promotion programs. Participating students receive age-appropriate substance use prevention, self-esteem, communication, problem-solving decision-making and anger management information and skills in line with Illinois State Board of Education social emotional learning standards. Prevention Partnership has provided over 8,750 Youth Prevention Education in the classroom sessions to over 250 students per year.

The agency has provided services for several West Side high schools in Austin, North Lawndale, East Garfield Park, and West Garfield Park including Michele Clark Prep Academy Magnet High School, and Al Raby School for Community and Environment, (two alternative schools were also served: Academy of Scholastic Achievement and Community Christian Academy).

An important Chicago Public Schools/Prevention Partnership collaboration is with the Illinois Youth Survey (IYS). Conducted bi-annually by the University of Illinois, Center for Prevention Research and Development, data from this survey is used by the Illinois Department of Human Services to secure Federal Block Grant funds for alcohol and other drug prevention in the state. Excellent cooperation with Network Chiefs Jennifer Farrell-Rottman (3) and Shantae Higginbottom (5); Jarvis Sanford, Academy for Urban School Leadership, and Ethan Netterstrom, Independent School Principals allowed Prevention Partnership to attain 100% registration, and 92% administration commitments for the 2020 IYS.

When COVID-19 shuttered schools in March 2020, we had reached 87% registration and 62% administration. IYS data has provided the agency with documented local information to guide planning and delivery of prevention services to schools.

In 2022, Prevention Partnership will provide CPS elementary and secondary schools in Austin, North Lawndale, East Garfield Park and West Garfield Park with an evidence-based communication campaign on marijuana (the drug of choice of our youth) for youth and parents, as well as information on National Prescription Drug Take Back Day and National Prevention Week.

Beginning in September, Prevention Partnership will also provide services for schools in the South Side communities of Englewood, West Englewood, Chatham and Greater Grand Crossing.

A Historical Perspective of services provided to Chicago Public Schools can be found here.


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