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Youth Alcohol and Drug Prevention School Training

Austin Plus Direct Service

The Austin Plus Direct Service site plan is funded by a grant from the IL Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention And Recovery (IDHS-SUPR). This grant engages substance use prevention activities among high school age youth, with a priority on underage drinking. For more than 30 years, the agency has devoted a considerable amount of its time and resources to aiding Chicago’s west side communities of color. Through the Austin Plus DS grant the agency has identified and strengthened key partnerships that have led to a multitude of new health promotion and wellness opportunities for community members. The agency is currently providing services to the following West Side Chicago Public Schools: Michele Clark Academic Prep Magnet High School, Al Raby School for Community and Environment, and Community Christian Academy and Academy of Scholastic Achievement Alternative Schools.


The Spectrum of Current Services is as follows:

  • Youth Prevention Education (YPE, “Too Good for Drugs” Curriculum)

  • Youth Advisory Council (YAC)

  • Community Youth Resource Guide

  • Youth-centered Communication Campaign #1

  • Parent-centered Communication Campaign #2

  • Promote the 2022 Illinois Youth Survey

  • Support DEA’s National Drug Take Back Day (2x per year)

  • Encourage Participation and Sponsor Activities for National Prevention Week (2x per year)

Read student feedback on the program!


I learned...

Smoking cigarettes can cause lots of problems

About drugs like marijuana that you get cancer from it

I wasn’t aware the age requirement to smoke cigarettes was 18

That some drugs you can get addicted to and you probably can’t stop

Make goals and smart decisions 

To stay focused, optimistic and ready to learn

It’s ok to say no

Not to let people pressure you into drinking 

Smoking is hard habit to stop, I thought it was easy

That HIV, AIDS, STDS, STIS are diseases that can’t be healed

About how drinking alcohol can damage my brain

Steps of listening and not listening

Refusal and communication skills

Cocaine, crack, heron, smoking can be really bad for your health

I feel...

Good for learning this subject

That we need keep in mind the importance of smoking bad drugs and inhalants

Good for learning about this

That smoking can cause a lot of problems

That teens should use protection

That I need to focus

I would like more of...

Learning about different kinds of things

Anger management


Refusal skills


More presentations


To learn more stuff about this

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